Scientists discovered chemical oscillations in #palladium #nanoparticles, paving the way for #recycling precious metal #catalysts
https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1077942 #science #chemistry #sustainability #catalysis

Scientists discovered chemical oscillations in #palladium #nanoparticles, paving the way for #recycling precious metal #catalysts
https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1077942 #science #chemistry #sustainability #catalysis
I made my Mirror World class some bling out of 6mm glass tubulation. We can all laugh and be shiny together now. I actually didn't make myself one though. I guess I can make it tomorrow. I bent it to my handwriting in cursive with a 6mm sharpie :) . lol happened to be an easy an fun 3 letter phrase that flows nicely.
I sure do love mirroring a bunch of little tubes simultaneously :)
I gotta get a few feet of bright colored silicone or latex tubing. They are meant to be necklaces. They may be fragile during hugs.
Its been nice to teach these classes with Kacie Lees in the evenings and decompress from the hectic week finishing up neon work things ahead of an upcoming midwest road trip! Class and show in Minneapolis and visiting artist 2 day at UW, Madison.
We mirrored so much. Its so fun seeing people get it- and run wild with it.
Making better use of available data is an important way to make drug discovery more efficient.
In his @LED3hub John Overington talked about the power of data to speed up the drug discovery process.
Dark energy isn't what we thought – and that may transform the cosmos
A round-trip journey of electrons: Electron catalysis enables direct fixation of N₂ to azo compounds
Two new Covid antivirals targeting the M protein published in Nature. Janssen Pharmaceutica and Rega Institute Leuven were able to firstly target the M protein of coronavirus.
Creating cool art by combining chemicals in a drop of water.
C: r/NaturesFuckingLit
MRW students ask why they got a question wrong on a test.
Presented without comment beyond:
Does anyone have experience working with a vacuum/inert gas manifold that doesn't have an outlet for an oil bubbler on the inert gas side? Both vacuum & gas sides just have a single hose barb and a sealed end. It looks like the previous user might have just opened up one of the ports and connected it to a bubbler, but is there a better method?
Is there some technique I'm not familiar with that uses this setup?
Maybe splicing in the bubbler before the line (though that seems weird...it's usually at the end to force gas to keep flowing so you don't have any "dead" space)?
It looks like it's one of these: https://chemglass.com/vacuum-manifolds-inert-gas-glass-stopcocks
I really enjoyed our last exchange about quotes of female astronomers/scientists.
So here another question for you:
Why do you/we care about titanium (the chemical element)?
In "The Six Ds of Exponentials and drug discovery: A path toward reversing Eroom’s law" https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drudis.2025.104341
"however, software such as PaDEL and the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) have emerged rapidly as free and powerful alternatives. Nowadays, many groups in both industry and academia rely on free cheminformatics resources, including multiple descriptors and ML tools offered by RDKit."
Fuckit, often the subject of heated debate on the internet, is a salt containing #iron and #uranium, #carbon and #potassium.
➞ Uranium, which provides energy and makes objects explode, and carbon, which forms compounds.
➞ Potassium plays a role in nerve impulses, muscle contractions and blood pressure regulation.
➞ Fuckit is able to simply spoil any topic, raise blood pressure and cause explosive reactions.
Shoutout to #LibreTexts advocate, Lisa Sharpe Elles, from The University of Kansas who has been named KU Libraries Textbook Hero of 2025. Lisa began using #LibreTexts in her #Chemistry courses in 2019, and officially ditched her expensive online commercial homework platform for our #ADAPT open homework and assessment platform in 2021.
Read more about Lisa's journey with #OpenEducation on the KU Libraries website:
6/n If you want to support our work, you could become part of our #community efforts by a Rechenkraft.net #charity #membership and add your ideas to ours. ;-)
#DIYbio #lab #instruments #OpenSource #chemistry #bioinformatics #CompChem #AugmentedReality #MINT #Schule #Lehre #STEM #education #TiltFive
5/n We are also in close contact with #Richtsbergschule in #Marburg where #HoloDeck will be used in #biology & #chemistry #teaching #classes using @tiltfive hardware, soon.
#DIYbio #lab #instruments #OpenSource #chemistry #bioinformatics #CompChem #AugmentedReality #MINT #STEM #education
4/n In February this year, we got funded (as #HoloDeck project) by #JLU / #HMWK / #HessenHub to develop a #university #course to teach #students & #educators how to construct #molecular materials for this #AR platform.
#DIYbio #lab #OpenSource #chemistry #bioinformatics #AugmentedReality #STEM #MINT
2/n While our #IdeenExpo presentation from last year just covered #Windows OS, this time we presented the #AR molecular visualization system running under #Ubuntu 24.04LTS #Linux. Lots of fun explaining...
#DIYbio #lab #instruments #OpenSource #chemistry #bioinformatics #CompChem #AugmentedReality
My challenge of the day: unlock a glass joint on the Rotavap without a) destroying the cooling unit or b) cutting myself. After many attempts with the sonicator and various solvents (acetone, ethanol, hexane), the heat gun finally did the trick. #chemistry #lab