#TTRPG folks. I've been on a bit of a hiatus, suddenly have a hankering to get a group together. Past experience was with DnD 3.5 and 1st edition Pathfinder (both playing and GMing), but it's been like 5 years so I think I've forgotten most of the rules lol.
How's #DnD #5e? How about #Pathfinder 2e? If I wanted to go ahead and grab some books this weekend, which would you be more likely to recommend to a friend?
Try something new:
#ForbiddenLands fantasy survival, classic setting with spicy twists in the lore, stunning dice mechanic that's easy to use but enabling a lot of tactical depth.
#DragonBane classic hero fantasy, the "swedish dnd". #FreeLeague took the experience from all their past games and poured it into the dice mechanic, it's a blast to play.
Both have free starter kits on #drivethruRPG so you take no risk looking into it.
No, I'm not paid to say all that.