Tips to help you start your own business #business #debrief #LibertyCounty #tips
Tips to help you start your own business #business #debrief #LibertyCounty #tips
#A7Radio > #Sport > #Smackdown
Nouvel épisode qui se dévoile, et les transfères continuent !
On se connecte et en #Debrief ensemble ? Jonathan Capehart hosts a live roundtable on the day’s politics (Full Stream 4/19) #2024 #abortion #analysis #Bicycling #BicyclingUkraine #biden #Biking #BreakingNews #BreakingNewsVideo #conversation #Cycling #débrief #election #gaza #interview #israel #JonathanCapehart #LiveSpeeches #LiveUpdates #LiveVideo #News #Politics #PressConference #RealTimeCoverage #reporter #roundtable #trump #ukraine #VideoUpdates #war #WashingtonPost #WashingtonPostLive
One of the best Twitter Spaces that you can attend directly on YouTube!
If you can’t attend the space on Twitter you may listen on YT courtesy of OSINT-TV
#Writing journey day 6:
[a bit late today, but I am here @otfrom ]
Did again a 4-step #debrief (ORID: objective, reflect, interpret, decide) on another piece of the past week instead of producing new text with #FreeWriting.
Brain again seems to be less "judgy" than usual. Yay, progress!
#Writing journey day 5:
Instead of #FreeWriting, today I did a 4-step #debrief (ORID: objective, reflect, interpret, decide) on one of my pieces of the past week. Nice insights!
Celebrating that my brain seems less "judgy" about my writing with a bit of distance in time. (who would've thought that