How much is an appropriate charge to edit 45 to 60-minute footage to generate a 15-minute #YouTube video? If it only involves cuts with no fancy transitions or animations. The background sound is also ambient.
I have a channel for which I record using my #GoPro, but due to lack of time, can't edit to post in time. Therefore, I am looking to outsource.
Prompt intikken in Adobe Premiere en presto. 'Kleine schattige monsters, gemaakt van wol en vilt, dansen met elkaar.' Plus aanvullende AI-instructies voor de 'art direction' van deze AI-video.
#AIvideo #deepfakes #AdobePremiere
#AGConnect #SijthoffMedia
#AdobePremiere has been so fucking broken for so long whenever it has anything to do with text. As soon as I have any kind of text file on, even if it's turned off visibility, my playback speed shits the bed...and when i try to change the font type, it just WON'T UPDATE, it reverts to whatever was selected before. I'm so pissed at this fucking program, but I just do not have the spoons to learn a whole new program, in addition to everything else that's already on my plate. If I could find a video editor to hire at Vidcon at long last who knows a different software, great...though I have yet to find a video editor who hasn't flaked out and even if I could, I'd have an even harder time finding one who can anticipate the kinds of changes I want to make, so I'm pretty much stuck with doing everything myself in this shitty program for the foreseeable future (:
Terminplanung für Fortgeschrittene, ääääh Mäusegaukler so lautet der Arbeitstitel des heutigen Kurzvideos. Zu diesem kommt ihr hier:
Den Link findet ihr auch auf
#Video #adobepremiere #adobe #premiere #youtube #youtubekanal #Shorts #Mäuseroulette #Mäuseroulett #SpielmitderMaus #Mäusespiel #Maushausen #Gauklermaus #Mäusegaukler #Planung #Terminplanung #Termine
When your day job involves making #AdobePremiere timelines look like this monstrosity.
This was from the Metaldonna Medley #musicvideo. I tossed clips on tracks as fans submitted them and sliced out parts that didn't have the energy that the music video needed. It really helped spread out the workload over a few weeks rather than a few days.
After I was done with the first round of edits, I sent it off to Murph for more editing and his trademark polish.
The result is over here:
We're so damn proud of it, and proud of the fans for going all out.
Das Lebendfutter ist schon am Mäuseroulette und hat den Burgturm von #Maushausen erklommen. Ich hoffe die bleiben außerhalb der Burgmauern. Nicht das es so geht wie in der Geschichte „Der Mäusesnack“ mit „Loki von Hedeby“
#Video #adobepremiere #adobe #premiere #youtube #youtubekanal #Mäuseroulette #Mäuseroulett #Maeuseroulette #Gauklermaus #Mäusegaukler #SpielmitderMaus #Mäusespiel #Maushausen
So a couple months ago someone posted about an #OpenSource #VideoEditor on par with #AdobePremiere. I was sure I’d remember it. (Narrator: “He didn’t remember it.”)
So I’m just going to ask. What’s your favorite open source video editor? I’ve got DaVinci Resolve but it feels a bit heavy-handed for my needs. Thanks for any help!
I know some of you are into #CompetencePorn, too, so let me give you this:
A four hour #video tutorial on how to efficiently cut/edit a #LinusTechTips video.
I mean, yeah, it’s interesting how things work behind the scenes there, but what _really_ blew my mind is the setup of this guy and the amount of tweaking. Like, “#AdobePremiere doesn’t have a shortcut for this, so I wrote an #AutoHotKey script that scans my screen for an open lock icon in color X“.
For #VideoEditing, I'm a fan of #DaVinciResolve as an #AdobePremiere alternative. The free suite is frequently used by #YouTubers & the paid suite is reportedly used in #Hollywood productions.
There's also:
The excellent free open source video editing software Kdenlive made by @kde now has a Fediverse account, you can follow at:
Kdenlive is available for Linux, Mac and Windows from
If you're sick of permanently renting Adobe's "creative cloud" just to access Premiere, maybe give Kdenlive a go instead?