If #deliberativeDemocracy theory is right, then we should expect to find a certain amount of #openMindedness (or preferences for it) in politics.
This dissertation (https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10156575) seems to argue that we don't find it, "call[ing] into question the central role open-mindedness plays in deliberative democratic #theory" and making space to "explore alternative justifications for democracy’s legitimacy."
@ByrdNick Thanks for sharing! That's interesting, I'm bookmarking this work and I hope to get back to it once I have more time for this topic. But after your a brief description I absolutely agree! In fact, my thesis was also pointing to numerous flaws in deliberative theory. It's not available in English (yet?), but I have written a bit more on that in a fun little article on Climate Assemblies for the Interfere Journal of Critical Thought and Radical Politics: https://tinyurl.com/ypkep9a9
@wufel Cool! Thanks for sharing!
@ByrdNick Exception of Abortion in Republic of Ireland. Wikipedia
Independent transparent binding #CitizensAssemblies change the "game" everywhere with very many people deciding everything on everything after security agency vetting all participating.
Start with local elections as independent candidates bringing them in and expand.
Starting Political Party is a option that got 17K (including 2nd preference) votes in last London Majoral election even with the sabotaging Burning Pink "leader"