Bands of mercenary monster hunters protect the common folk from creatures of the Dark as members of the Fellhunter's Guild. Sponsored, in part, by the Church of the Five-Fold Sun, and chartered by the Crown, they use any means necessary to get the job done.
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StartPlayingPlay Mutants and Masterminds (3e) Online | A World That Needs HeroesThe World That Needs Heroes
There have always been great heroes in the world. From time immemorial, individuals were granted powers greater than any mortal should wield. Gilgamesh. Heracles. Cuchulain. Sun Wu Kong. The Hero Twins, Hunapu and Xbalanque. The list goes on. And they fought monsters, villains, and other heroes just as powerful: the Lernaean Hydra, the Humbaba, Enkidu who became Gilgamesh's closest friend and perhaps lover, and Cu Roi mac Daire amng so many others. In King Arthur's time, there was a surge in such things, with many of the knights having powers, like Gawain's great strength which rose until midday; Sir Marrok the werewolf, and many more.
Throughout history, we've been told such things were myth. They were not. And in the late 19th and early 20th Century, a new age of heroes began, as magic started to rise once more. Early modern heroes included Doc Bronze, the perfect man, son of the man called Captain Nemo; Sgt. Savage, the first supersoldier; Paragon, the champion of light and righteousness. They faced foes like the immortal Dr. Umbros, still active today; the sinister scientists Victoria Frankenstein and Dr. Schadenfreud, and the monsters they made; and the machinations of the vile Gorgon Consortium.
In World War 2, even more heroes arose: Major Courage, the Star Spangled Soldier; Ruka, the Russian Wall; Marzanna, the Polish Goddess of Cold; Bullet, the Supersonic Speedster; and Arthur, Guinevere, and Lancelot, the Camelot Three. They fought foes like the returned Dr. Schadenfreude and his creation, Sheuzel; and the Ubersoldaten of the Third Reich led by Blitzkrieg, a storm powered villainess so strong that even today she is unmatched, boasting the strength of Donnar. Amongst the Ubersoldaten were Heinrich von Skelt, a vampire; Iron Sights, the Sniper Who Never Missed; Artillery, the one man tank division; Totenkopf, the skull headed Harbinger of Death; HexenWulf, the Nazi Werewolf; and many enhanced 'Einherjar'. They also had to contend with the like of the sorcerer Mordred, the troll Grendel. In the Pacific, threats included the wind riding Kamikaze, the undetectable Kage, and Kairyu the Sea Dragon, son of the Dragon King himself. (Kairyu would later repent of his support of the Japanese Empire.)
And now, in modern day, there are more super powered people than ever before. Theorists claim it is due to the rise of radiation and the like, but the magically minded claim it is simply the rise of the Sixth World, a return to ancient magic, and that all superpowers have the origins in magic and the divine.
You are one such empowered being. Will you save this unhappy world?
"Unhappy the land that breeds no hero.”
“No, unhappy land that is in need of heroes”. -Berthold Brecht, Galileo