#Geograph Picture of the Day #POTD from #Norfolk, 2012
#ford #flood #Podmore #car #stuck #photography #landscape geograph.org.uk/p/2923142
Free to share – please credit John Walton/Geograph
#Geograph Picture of the Day #POTD from #Norfolk, 2012
#ford #flood #Podmore #car #stuck #photography #landscape geograph.org.uk/p/2923142
Free to share – please credit John Walton/Geograph
Here's why I sometimes look back to look forward. You might want to do this too.
Lidl Žirmunai with a door malfunction. Nobody in, nobody out. Confusion all around.
Good time to think about where the emergency exits are (just past the bakery section).
Fucking mud!
This morning, our Astra got stuck. We planned extra time for this, as it was likely with everything being completely waterlogged.
After some swearing, getting briefly unstuck by throwing a few handfuls of woodchips under the front wheels only to get stuck again a few meters onwards, Iseki came to the rescue.
Made it to our appointment in time (and were left sitting in a hallway anyways).
Ambivalent imperialistische, aber romantisierende Szenen in einem gewesenen Speisesaal, #barock #Fresko auf z.T. #Stuck
Wie von Kindern war die Faszination echt. Und genauso wie bei Kindern zu beobachten, war der Impuls nach allem interessanten zu greifen und haben wollen...
- Und wieso redest du in der Vergangenheitsform?
#FotoVorschlag 'fresko'
Tilly kept smiling, even though it was clear their relationship would never add up with his ex-wife mired in the middle.
https://www.europesays.com/1845707/ Family of Tennessee astronaut excited for return after months of delays in space #astronaut #ButchWilmore #Delay #family #InternationalSpaceStation #ISS #nasa #space #SpaceX #stuck #Tennessee #UniversityOfTennessee
Feeling unfulfilled or stuck at work? 3 ways to help you get unstuck via Ideas.Ted.Com [Shared]
Today, so many of us are wishing to safeguard ourselves — and our careers — against uncertainty. But how do we do this in a world where the waves of change keep coming and it can take all our energy just to stay afloat?
By thinking long term, says Dorie Clark, consultant and keynote speaker. “Long-term thinking protects us during downturns (of all kinds), because it keeps us moving toward our most important goals … It’s the surest path to meaningful and lasting success in a world that so often prioritizes what’s easy, quick, and ultimately shallow,” writes Clark in her new book The Long Game.
Junges Schauspielhaus: Akins "Aus dem Nichts" feiert Premiere
Regisseur Klaus Schumacher hat Fatih Akins Film für die Bühne adaptiert. Die Geschichte bezieht sich auf die NSU-Morde.
Fucking mud. Not what I was planning to do today.
Unstuck with the help of a tree and some ratchet straps.
Must remember not to park there, between the #UnWinter cycling between freezing and thawing a lot and the soft ground there, the car sunk in on its own, just standing there.
Wise Intelligent - stuck
I wish that I could save every one of you
open the chains
too many stuck inside a ghetto fantasy
This foolio decides to take his rental car down the dirt path at Star Wars Canyon. Gets it stuck. Then has fight with his wife who storms off. Poor bastard that was the start of along day for sure. July 2018 Temp 114F and they had no water #darwinawards #idiot #starwars #fight #maritalissues #stuck
Wo sind wir hier angelangt ? Kann man nur noch anonym seine #Meinung sagen ? Der #Vorwurf der #Ehrabschneidung ist hier völlig aus der #Luft gegriffen. Ist natürlich #blöd, wenn man einen #Strafbefehl ignoriert, bis die #Polizei Dich abholt - aber trotzdem: Ein starkes #Stück.
Manche können wohl zwischen #Drohschreiben und etwas deftigerer #Kritik nicht unterscheiden.
#ManuelaSchwesig: #Bauingenieur nennt sie „#Märchenerzählerin“ und muss ins #Gefängnis
Musical "Die Hamburger Stadtmusikanten“ feiert Premiere
Das Winterhuder Fährhaus erzählt mit der Inszenierung das klassische Märchen als modernes Musical für die ganze Familie.
i feel like i have to go back into voice training… like i sound hollow even though i get gendered correctly on the phone. Like in the past few years i never got misgendered by my voice, but i do feel like i sound hollow…..
i want to sound fem and not a hollow from bleach