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Hello Fediverse! o-o.tools is a new hosted service for software teams. We are striving to pull together the best open source alternatives to the big players (Github, Slack, Trello, Confluence, etc) and have bundled Forgejo, Zulip, Vikunja, and An Otter Wiki into one private integrated service. Check us out:
Mitarbeiter suchen 10 Stunden pro Woche nach Informationen
Vorsicht, ist eine #Atlassian-Studie. Dahinter steckt eine klare Marketing-Agenda.
Ad #Jira und #Confluence: hätte ich nicht meinen #orgmode in Kombination mit Browser-Bookmarks, ich würde sehr viele Informationen ständig nicht mehr wiederfinden. Da hat Atlassian noch einen langen Weg vor sich und ich erkenne aus den letzten 10 Jahren keine großartigen Verbesserungen in dieser Richtung.
Original: https://atlassianblog.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/the-state-of-teams-2025.pdf
#Confluence erinnert mich irgendwie an:
- Einkaufsliste ausdenken
- In Word eintippern und ohne zu speichern ausdrucken
- Im Drucker vergessen
- Irgendwann wegschmeißen
I put my personal collection of elisp functions for #confluence in a public repository: https://codeberg.org/theesm/confluence-tools.el
So if you want to do things like:
- browse, search (using a CQL-Query), create and append to confluence pages without leaving emacs, you're in luck!
- mirror org-agenda to a confluence page
- fetch confluence tasks to display in org-agenda
It has plenty rough edges, requires pandoc for some things, but it's usable enough - been daily driving these for a couple of month now!
Started working on Act Two of the #Confluence prequel and I am having a hell of a lot of fun writing River and Kasu coming to terms with being into each other, and also River being a hella clueless airhead in an endearing lovable dipshit way. #amwriting #yuri
The #Confluence app on iPadOS is one of the buggiest apps I’ve ever used. #atlassian
#OneHeartTogether is the prequel to #Confluence. It is the story of how River Victoria Eginian and Isawa Kasu, both strangers to the Pacific Northwest and isolated from trans community for very different reasons, stumble into each other's lives and become inseparable.
Since my friend May got me thinking of it-- if this book were a TV series (maybe anime, maybe live action, not sure!)-- this would be its main theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Aveb3BDqk4
And when I say "stumble into each others' lives," I mean that literally-- they get to properly talking because they bump butts.
(trust me, it'll make sense when you read it)
Act One is complete, and I am now writing "Name Enough," the opening chapter of Act Two.
I hope you'll look forward to it.
Act One of the #Confluence prequel is now done, at just under 9000 words. On to Act Two. #amwriting
Any software teams looking for an alternative to GitHub, Slack, Trello, and Confluence? I need beta testers for a new private hosted service that includes Forgejo, Zulip, Vikunja and OtterWiki (git repo, chat, planning, and wiki, respectively), four excellent open source tools, behind a single sign-on.
Reply or message and we’ll set it up
Williams will be known as Atlassian Williams.
I'm guessing they'll be using Jira to track issues with the car and Confluence for all documentation.
So in the wake of some lovely reader feedback on a couple different platforms, and amidst writing the first prequel, my thoughts have been on some of the gaps in the backstory of #Confluence which I intend to fill in the prequel trilogy.
And a pretty obvious question there is: when did River and Kasu each realize they were trans?
For Kasu, the sense that something was amiss built through the tail end of junior high. Then at the school entrance ceremony at Meirin Academy, the elite high school to which she was sent, the sight of her female classmates dressed to the nines for the occasion, made it finally click. "I should be there. I belong there. Why am I not there."
For River, it was later-- she was a tank commander in the US forces deployed to Iraq, circa 2005. It hit her seemingly out of nowhere-- one night, asleep in her tank, she woke up and just. Knew. And knew that where she was and what she was doing were very, very wrong.
Kasu's transition began stealthily and immediately but she didn't get to stop boymoding until she was an adult and on the other side of grad school.
River was transitioning later that year in 2005, and was out of the Army by 2008.
Our journeys in this community are very, very different, and I want to give a sense of *how* different even in these two women's cases.
A memo distributed by NSA leadership to its staff says that on February 10, all NSA websites and internal network pages that contain banned words will be deleted. This is the list of 27 banned words distributed to NSA staff:
Confirmation Bias
Gender Identity
Racial Identity
The purge extends beyond public-facing websites to pages on the NSA's internal network, including project management software like #Jira and #Confluence.
The NSA is trying to identify mission-related sites before the "Big Delete" is executed but appears to lack the personnel to do so.
Just a reminder that if you use #Confluence to store your docs, it means you don't have any backup.
(nearly) out of nowhere but flatulence and #Confluence are way to similar words for it to be a coincidence.
Pins from the #Confluence series! Available along with other designs at https://buff.ly/4eG7gLe #lesfic
They: "If you dislike #GitHub that much, why don't you just leave? Or are you so dependent on it?"
"Well, no, actually, aside from the fact that #GitLab also introduced AI (#GitLabDuo) and #Atlassian (#BitBucket/ #Confluence) can't even make an image not be scaled to a very small size (https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-articles/Inline-images-coming-to-you/ba-p/2611260), unless other devs use mirrors on #OpenSource hosters (#Gitea, #Forgejo, #CodeBerg, etc.), I'm first and foremost dependent on other devs and less so on GitHub as a software"
The Challenge of Finding True Agile Experts
A long time ago, when I was a junior Scrum Master, my Chief Agile Coach posed a thought-provoking question:
“If you had a limited budget, would you hire a Scrum Master or a Software Engineer?”
At the time, I replied, “A Software Engineer, because they produce measurable output.”
Now, years later, I reflect on that conversation with a deeper understanding. Since then, I’ve had the privilege of working alongside exceptional Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, and Product Owners. Yet, let’s be honest:
The majority of Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches lack a clear understanding of the how and why behind their roles. Many find themselves stuck in these positions, not out of passion or conviction, but because they see no alternatives. Instead of pursuing what they believe is right, they focus on maintaining their roles, often to the detriment of their teams and organizations.
The market is saturated with so-called Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches. For every open position, there are often over 200 applicants. Since these roles are unregulated, anyone can claim the title. Unfortunately, this influx of underqualified individuals has created challenges for the Agile community.
The Problem with Unqualified Agile Practitioners
Agile practitioners are perceived as experts, wielding authority. However, when they lack the necessary experience or knowledge, they themselves become the biggest impediments. This issue is compounded when they fail to listen to those they aim to serve, addressing superficial concerns rather than solving real problems. Instead of driving transformation, they retreat into an “Agile kindergarten,” disconnected from reality.
Moreover, the oversupply of candidates drives salaries down, making these roles less attractive to true experts. As a result, the market loses talented professionals who could excel in these positions, creating a vicious cycle.
What Makes a Great Agile Expert?
A true Agile expert must navigate a complex and diverse set of responsibilities, including but not limited to:
This list only scratches the surface of what a skilled Agile practitioner must handle. Organizations seeking to hire an Agile Coach should ask candidates to explain these methodologies. Doing so can reveal whether they possess the expertise needed for the role.
Reflecting on the Industry Today
There was a time when companies hired almost anyone with a self-declared title of Scrum Master or Agile Coach. That window gave me the chance to enter this profession. However, times have changed, and so has my perspective.
If my Chief Agile Coach asked me the same question today, I’d answer differently:
“I would hire a qualified Scrum Master—someone with both experience and a strong theoretical foundation. This is a critical role, and you can’t entrust it to just anyone with a certification.”
Agility works. It offers practical solutions to structural challenges that companies face. While traditional waterfall project management isn’t a viable alternative, the challenge lies in finding the right people to implement Agile effectively. Companies must embrace agility to adapt and compete, but doing so successfully requires truly qualified Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters.
Man sollte denken für die Preise die #Atlassian verlangt kann man im #Confluence (Premium!) eine Tabelle im Wiki Format einfach per Copy&Paste einfügen, oder wenigstens im CSV Format. Von solch einem überteuerten Produkt verlange ich das einfach.
Aber nein, wird komplett ignoriert und im Klartext importiert, dafür wird an jeder Ecke für Atlassian Intelligence geworben das nochmal 1200€ im Monat kostet. Das erfindet dann wahrscheinlich Inhalte, aber importieren kann man immer noch nicht sinnvoll.
Und nein, ich installiere da keine extra App für die wieder 40€ im Monat kostet, das ist eine Funktion die intuitiv vorhanden sein MUSS.