I spent a bit of time today recovering from the weekend and clearing out my mending pile. This bag from Market Basket had some places where the panels were pulling apart from each other and the binding was falling off. I pulled off the crummy binding and replaced it with some nylon webbing, and ta-da, bag is useful again.
From a purely capitalist perspective, this is a terrible use of time, right? I could just buy a new bag from MB for, like, what, $5? $10? And I could have used that time in Economically Productive Pursuits to Increase The GDP, and someone in an exploited country could have made another one and shipped it across the ocean, and in a couple years that binding would rip and I’d buy a new one and we’d just keep doing that dance until the heat death of the universe.
Or I could spend the time and effort to keep it out of a landfill for a little longer. So I did. And it’s a small thing but it’s better than nothing. Bonus: bag is now significantly gayer.
We can fix things if we take the time.